Parshat בהעלותך has many interesting subjects such as the commandment to אהרון to light the Menorah, the traveling in the desert in an orderly fashion, the making of silver trumpets, and the לשון הרע spoken by Miriam against Moshe.The Alshich spends the most emphasis on the story of the complainers of the lack of meat. This complaint was instigated by the ערב רב and the real complaint was that they were unhappy with all of the sexual restrictions of the Torah. They complained that the Manna was constipating and did not have enough protein to give strength.The positive side of these complaints is that it led to the formation of the first Sanhedrin that lasted until 358 of the Common Era.We also learn a great deal about prophecy in this Parsha. Eldad and Meidad were given the gift of prophecy. Yehoshua was upset that they predicted that Moshe would die and he would lead the nation into Israel. Moshe showed his humility by saying that he wished everyone would reach the spiritual high of Eldad and Meidad.