Blessing Israel

One final message of yesterday's Parsha came from a Pasuk that is found two other times in the book of Breishit as well as in Balak. " Those that bless you will be blessed and those that curse you will be cursed."In essence, this is a three pronged warning to the nations of the world, that they had better treat the Jewish people in a favorable way. If they support the Jewish people and the State of Israel, they will be blessed. If they turn against Israel, they will pay a heavy price.We are a nation that dwells apart. When we rejoice, the nations of the world are sad. When we mourn, they rejoice. This has been our reality.A hopeful sign of Mashiach's arrival is the number of people and even nations, that are openly embracing Israel and Judaism. Ultimately, the whole world will recognize the truth of G-d and the Torah. In the meantime, those who support us will be blessed, and those who curse us will be cursed.


Loving Every Jew

