השבת אבידה

Shavua Tov. The Mitzva of השבת אבידה, returning a lost article, might seem like a trivial Mitzva, but a great deal can be learned from it.First, the ספר החינוך makes an interesting observation by saying that שכחה נמצאת אצל בני אדם, that forgetfulness is a common trait among men. Therefore, if someone is kind enough to return something lost, it brings a great deal of joy and relief.The second lesson learned from השבת אבידה is the concept of לפנים משורת הדין, that we are to go beyond the letter of the law. As Jews, we are not to be satisfied doing only that which we are obligated to do, but we should learn to do more than what is expected.Returning a lost article is a perfect example as there are times that we might be justified in keeping something we find. Instead we are to go to great lengths to bring joy to our friend who is feeling bad about his loss.




Playing G-d