גר תושב
Based on last week's Parsha and the Talmud in מסכת גיטין, we learn an interesting Halacha in our relations with non-Jews. The Gemara points out that the reason why we were commanded to drive out the seven nations and Amalek is so that we don't learn from their evil ways.Because of this, if a non-Jew renounces his connection to idol worship and wants to stay in Eretz Yisrael, he should be allowed to as a גר תושב, resident stranger. According to some opinions, it's enough for a non-Jew to renounce עבודה זרה in order to be considered a גר תושב.An idol worshipper may not permanently live in Israel but may visit. A גר תושב, on the hand is allowed to stay and even own land in Israel.