פרשת נצבים

This week's Parsha has two principle ideas. The first is the covenant that Moshe Rabbeinu made with the Jewish people before his death. The emphasis here was that this covenant was not only for that generation but for all generations.Every Jew must realize that he, too is part of that covenant made with Moshe. It carries with it a great responsibility to live by the principles as set forth by the Torah as taught by Moshe Rabbeinu. We cannot be oblivious to this covenant.The second point of the Parsha speaks about Teshuva. One must not think that returning to Hashem and the Torah is something that is insurmountable. We are reminded that this matter of Teshuva is in the heavens or is elusive. We must know that this Mitzva is very near to us. If we desire to return, we will be able to and we will be helped by Hashem. May we all merit to do sincere Teshuva and be written and inscribed for a שנה טובה. Shabbat Shalom


Rosh Hashana


Unfulfilled Vows