ענני הכבוד
Shavua Tov. One of the lesser known concepts of Succot is the connection between the ענני הכבוד, the Clouds of Glory, and the Succah.Actually, the Succah is meant to remind us of the ענני הכבוד. The Succah was the dwelling place of the Jewish people in the desert. This is the reason the Torah commanded us to sit in the Succah altogether, to remind us of the Succot in the desert.In the merit of Aharon, the ענני הכבוד traveled for forty years with the Jewish people in the desert. It literally protected them from dangerous animals and from potential enemies. It even ironed and kept their clothes clean and pressed. The key symbol is "protection" that the ענני הכבוד represented.We are to be strongly aware that our lives and our very existence depends on Hashem's protection only. Living in our flimsy Succot for seven days, brings home this point. Succah, ענני הכבוד, and Hashem's protection.