Straightening the Crooked
There is a great deal of symbolism in the twelve chapters that make up the book of Kohelet. One such Pasuk that has a surprising Halachic ramification comes from the words מעות לא יוכל לתקון, that which is crooked cannot be made straight.What is learned from this is a Halacha related to the laws of Davening and the question of תשלומים, which we explain as making up a forgotten Shmone Esrei. If we forget a Shmone Esrei, we can only make it up in the next consecutive Davening. For example, if one forgot Maariv, he can make it up with two Shmone Esreis at Shacharit. However, if one did not make it up at Shacharit and only remembered at Mincha that he forgot last night's Maariv, he can no longer make it up.This is an example of מעות לא יוכל לתקון, that which is crooked cannot be made straight.