פרשת נח
In פרשת נח, we typically compare Noach to Avraham Avinu in terms of their both being called צדיק. The take of the של״ה הקודש is that נח did have certain holy traits, such as being born circumcised, that made him a צדיק, but he was far from the level of Avraham Avinu.Noach was not very good at Kiruv, influencing his peers. Avraham was very effective at convincing the people of his generation of the Oneness of Hashem. Noach was afraid that if he mingled with others, he would be brought down by them.It is written that נח "walked with Hashem". He waited for Hashem to lead him or hold his hand to give him direction. Avraham was self propelled. Avraham "awakened" himself in his service of Hashem. Noach waited for Divine inspiration.The של״ה equated Noach with אלישע בן אבויה also known as ״אחר״, who became a heretic after entering the Pardes. Noach witnessed Hashem's protection and had many merits in providing for the animals for a year. However, he fell when leaving the ark, when he planted the vineyard.These comparisons are useful in understanding human nature and learning about the many obstacles we are meant to overcome. Shabbat Shalom