פרשת וירא
There are two ideas to share from פרשת וירא. The first is learned from Avraham Avinu and the manner in which he prayed for Sdom and Amora. We learn from this that we are never supposed to pray that our adversaries or those that cause us grief should perish. Even for the biggest רשעים, we should sincerely pray that they do Teshuva. This is not always easy to do but something to strive towards.We also learn from Yitzchak how because of the merits of the Akeida he was the only one of the Patriarchs who was able to save עם ישראל. There is a Midrash that says that Hashem turned to all three of the Avot and told them that בני ישראל had sinned and they needed to be destroyed. Yitzchak's successful argument that saved the nation was that he said to Hashem, "But they're your children, too." Important messages from the Parsha. Shabbat Shalom