עקידת יצחק

There are many mystical explanations to עקדת יצחק, the binding of Isaac. The של״ה הקודש describes intense crying by both Avraham and Yitzchak.The whole incident was instigated by the שטן who challenged Avraham's dedication to Hashem now that he finally had a son. The tragedy of the whole episode led to the death of Sarah Imeinu.The one who was affected the most by the Akeida was Yitzchak. Some opinions say that he actually died and was brought back to life, while others say that that he was transformed into a different type of being. The holiness was like Adam before the sin.He was referred to as an עולה תמימה, a holy sacrifice. A man who achieved that level of holiness was not allowed to leave Eretz Yisrael.The Akeida stands out as the outstanding episode of faith and devotion that has brought great merit. Therefore, we read it daily in our morning prayers.


Categorizing Mitzvot


Lessons from פרשת וירא