פרשת חיי שרה

Parshat חיי שרה speaks of the tragic death of שרה אמנו. The main explanation is that her soul left her when she heard of עקידת יצחק. She is praised for her modesty, humility, and saintliness.There are two unusual Midrashim related to this Parsha. One speaks of the special magical trees that surrounded Avraham Avinu's tent. The trees told Avraham if the people who sat under the tree were righteous or not. If they were righteous, the tree spread open its branches. If they were not, the tree contracted. This is why the angels were asked to sit under the tree so that Avraham could check them out.The other Midrash had to do with Lavan's blessing to Rivka. When he told her אחותינו, את היי לאלפי רבבה, that she should be the mother of tens of thousands, he really intended the descendants of עשו as well. Eisav's descendants are referred to as אלוף, which instead of referring to generals, it means that thousands descended from Eisav, just as Lavan hoped. Shabbat Shalom


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