חסד של אמת
The final Parsha of the Book of בראשית is ויחי. The important Mitzva that is alluded to in this Parsha, is caring for the dead. Yakov makes Yosef swear that he will do חסד ואמת by seeing to it that he is buried in Erez Yisrael in מערת המכפילה in the city of Chevron.
Many of the burial societies, or חברא קדישא's, call themselves חסד של אמת, as caring for the dead is the highest level of Chessed one can do. It falls under the category of והלכת בדרכיו, walking in the ways of Hashem.
It is considered the highest Chessed because it's clear that it's being done without expecting anything in return as the deceased cannot thank you or repay you.
Other than in Israel, Jewish communities in other parts of the world, rely on volunteers to help with ritually washing the bodies before burial. Those who volunteer for this very difficult Mitzva, are, inevitably, people of the highest character.