השגחה פרטית
There is a concept in Judaism called השגחה פרטית which is translated as Divine supervision. This means that we believe that Hashem is involved and cares about every human being .
Hashem hears our prayers and guides each individual according to the direction that person wants to go. If one chooses to be close to Hashem, then Hashem will make it happen. If one distanced himself from holiness, he will be distant.
The idea of השגחה פרטית is that the world is being run by Hashem and all mankind is dependent on Him. Nothing happens by chance and there is a purpose to everything.
The Mishna in Brachot tells us that we must mention יציאת מצרים in the morning and at night. We do this by reciting the third paragraph of Shema, that speaks of Tzitzit.
The whole purpose of mentioning Egypt is so that we do not think, G-d forbid, that Hashem created the world and left it.
In Egypt, His involvement was in an outward, obvious way. He is equally involved with us on a daily basis, if we open our eyes and see.