עם ה׳ אלה ומארצו יצאו
There is a Pasuk in yesterday's Haftarah that is very powerful. The prophet describes how we desecrated Hashem's name by our very presence in the Galut. The exact wording is עם ה׳ אלה ומארצו יצאו, "You're G-d's chosen people? What are you doing outside of His land?"
The Radak says that this is a Chilul Hashem because the nations of the world will mock Israel and say that how could it be that on the one hand they attained the name עם ה׳, or G-d's chosen people, and yet, they are not in His chosen land.
This indicates that even when one observes the Mitzvot outside of Israel, his very existence there, makes Hashem look weak. If there is any Pasuk in all of Tanach that motivated me to make Aliya, it's this one. This Pasuk gave me no peace of mind while living in Galut.
May all Jews have the courage to move to Israel and stop the desecration of Hashem's name.