ספירת העומר
Moadim Lesimcha. Our Maariv tonight had five changes or additions. First we said מוריד הטל followed by ואתה חוננתנו followed by ותן ברכה and יעלה ויבוא and we began counting the Omer.
We must remember that ספירת העומר is the fulfillment of a Torah commandment. We are taught that we are to count seven weeks between Pesach and Shavuot.
On a spiritual level, we are to take into account that עם ישראל left the most decadent and impure place on earth, namely Egypt. After forty-nine days they had to prepare themselves for the greatest day in human history. That is, the receiving of the Torah and the revelation on Mount Sinai.
Each day we are similarly supposed to elevate ourselves spiritually in preparation for Shavuot. The Jewish people succeeded to such a degree of purity that they were on the level of Adam and Eve before the sin.
May this holiday season be one of spirituality and Kedusha.