שיר השירים

This Shabbat is שבת חול המועד and it is customary in Ashkenazi synagogues to read שיר השירים. The theme of Pesach is the גאולה, the redemption. Shir Hashirim also carries this theme.

It is well known that Rabbi Akiva pushed for שיר השירים to become part of Tanach. He said that if the other books of the Tanach are holy, then שיר השירים, written by Shlomo Hamelech, is holy of holies.

What appears to be a love story, is an allegory describing the love between Hashem and the Jewish people. There is also a bit of a plot in שיר השירים according to some commentators. Two lovers profess their deep love for one another and they are mocked by those around them. They are separated by the mockers. They write love letters to one another and look forward to the day they will be reunited.

In the end, when they are together again, all acknowledge that there love is true. The mockers represent the nations of the world. And the reunion describes the end of days, the גאולה, when the world realizes Hashem is true and His Torah is true.

Yesterday was two with ספירת העומר.


Seventh Day of Pesach


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