Accepting Adversity

This week's Parsha, שמיני, describes the tragic death of the two sons of Aharon, Nadav and Avihu. Most Kabbalists claim that their intent was pure in their efforts to perceive Hashem on the highest level.

The one deserving of the most praise during this incident, was Aharon himself. The Torah says simply, וידום אהרון, and Aharon was silent. The של״ה הקודש says that he received great reward in accepting Hashem's decree. Later in the Parsha, Hashem spoke to him alone in the merit of his silence.

The של״ה הקודש continues to explain how important it is for all of us to accept with love Hashem's afflictions and strictness with us. The Rabbis of the Talmud discuss how we are to embrace יסורים, suffering, and realize that they are meant to cleanse and purify us.

The Chassidim took such a positive attitude about יסורים that they viewed them as a sign that good things were ahead. The idea was that the נגע, blemish, was really ענג, a delight.

The original teacher of this concept was אהרון הכהן. Shabbat Shalom

Yesterday was nine with ספירת העומר


Admitting When Wrong


Our G-d-Like Soul