In Parshat Bamidbar, we are acquainted with the term תפקיד. The three families of the Levites, each had his special assignment, or תפקיד. The Kehat family was given the task of carrying the sacred vessels during the travels in the desert.
The Gershon and Merari families dealt with carrying the curtains and beams used in the Mishkan.
Every person has his תפקיד in life. The philosophy of Mussar is that each person has to one day answer if he achieved his ultimate purpose in this world. Every individual is given certain G-d given abilities that he is meant to use to the fullest.
We are not in competition with anyone except ourselves. As is written in the Book of Job, אדם לעמל יולד, meaning that man was meant to struggle. He is to attempt to achieve all that he is capable of.
On a Kabbalistic level, it's written that if man is lazy and shirks his responsibility and does not fulfill his תפקיד, he may have to come back in another גילגול, incarnation, until he gets it right.
Especially with Shavuot coming where we receive the Torah anew, it is a good time to do some serious soul searching to see if we are truly fulfilling Hashem's reason for putting us here in this world.
Yesterday was 42 with ספירת העומר