שבוע שחל בו
Shavua Tov. We have now begun what is known as שבוע שחל בו, the week that Tisha B'Av falls in it. According to the Gemara and according to both Ashkenazi and Sephardic customs, these three days until after the fast (and until midday on Wednesday on a lesser level), we are in the heaviest mourning for the destruction of our two Temples.
We should not be involved in activities where there is היסח הדעת, where we lose our focus on the severity of this period. We need to pray that we get past these last few days without incident.
Some call the month Av until Tisha B'Av and only after the fast they call it מנחם אב, the Av of comfort. We are not to do anything dangerous or risky as it is a very unlucky time.
We certainly should not listen to music or do laundry (except for small children). We do not buy new clothes even if we intend to wear them later (unless we miss out on a great bargain).
In short, these coming days should be focused on contemplation of the great loss we suffered by losing our Temples and going into exile. The Rabbis repeatedly mention that those who mourn for the destruction of the Temple, will merit to see its glory once again.