יסורים של אהבה
In this week's Parsha, we have a reference to יסורים, generally translated to mean, "suffering or rebuke. The Torah tells us that just as a father מייסר, rebukes his son, so does Hashem rebuke the Jewish people.
The subject of יסורים is difficult to understand. On the one hand, the Talmud in Brachot says that one who is עוסק בתורה, busies himself with the study of Torah, will not be visited by יסורים. And one who could be involved in Torah study, and chooses not to, will suffer יסורים.
But on the other hand, the Talmud goes on to say that if one examined his actions and cannot see where he sinned, and yet he goes through יסורים, should take on a different perspective. He should recognize that Hashem sends יסורים only on someone He truly loves. It says in Mishlei, כי את אשר יאהב ה׳ יוכיח, that Hashem rebukes the one He loves.
Whatever the case may be, we should view the difficulties that we are presented with as יסורים של אהבה, a rebuking of love." We should try to learn from these difficulties, and trust that Hashem is sending them our way to shape us and bring us closer to Him. Shabbat Shalom