
A common idea that is mentioned throughout ספר דברים and פרשת נצבים-וילך, is how we translate the word היום. We all know that the simple translation is "today". But the commentators repeatedly mention that היום is teaching us that we should always view the Torah as if we received it today.

The message here is that we must not allow Judaism to become stale and a matter of routine. After all, we repeat the same prayers every day and follow the same patterns of religious practice throughout the year. It is difficult to get excited about practices that are done over and over again.

However, everything is about our mindset. If we see things as boring and monotonous, that's how they will be. But if we can change this mindset to one of intense gratitude to Hashem, with the recognition that every day is a gift from Him, we will also appreciate the greatest gift of all- the Torah.

When we see the world through positive eyes with hope and optimism, we see every day as a new beginning. It becomes easy to feel as if the Torah was given היום. Shabbat Shalom




Shofar and Lulav on Shabbat