עקידת יצחק

On Rosh Hashana we read about עקידת יצחק, the binding of Isaac. We also read this passage every morning in our prayers. This is considered the main prayer of faith in all of Judaism. The question is what is so special about Avraham Avinu's faith that stood out above other such acts.

Dr. Eliezer Berkovitz, my former teacher of Jewish philosophy, said that the answer comes from the extra word, אחר, in the Pasuk describing how Avraham found the ram caught in the thicket. It doesn't say that he found an איל, a ram, but it says איל אחר, a DIFFERENT ram.

Avraham's faith was unique in that it was so strong that he no longer saw his beloved son as his son, but he saw him as a sacrifice. Such faith was unheard of and perhaps never experienced.

This is to teach us how we are never to question any of the Torah's teachings and we are to accept everything with perfect faith as taught by Avraham Avinu.


Yom Kippur Temple Service


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