כבוד האדם
In פרשת נח, we are introduced to the seven Noachide laws. These were the minimum rules needed for a society to function on a reasonable level. Such a society would enact basic laws to allow people to function without fear.
Rabbi Soloveitchik points out that the law related to murder ( which includes abortion even for Gentiles ), was meant to teach the principle of כבוד האדם, having respect and honor for other human beings.
The Torah says that one must not spill the blood of another human being. That particular Pasuk ends with the words כי בצלם אלוקים נברא האדם, that man was created in the image of G-d.
The lesson here is that we must have כבוד האדם so that we cannot randomly murder anyone we don’t like or agree with. If the world valued this Divine lesson, there would be so much more peace and harmony in the world. Shabbat Shalom.