חיי שרה
There are two unusual commentaries brought by Rabbi Soloveitchik in פרשת חיי שרה. The first involved Eliezer’s meeting with Rivka. After she passed the test by showing good character and Chesed, the Rav claims that Rivka kept Eliezer up all night asking him to tell her stories about Avraham.
She had heard so much about this mysterious man who left his father’s house to pursue his role in teaching the world about monotheism. She was fascinated by Avraham’s vision and very much wanted to help Yitzchak keep these dreams alive.
The second point involved Devora, the nurse-maid of Rivka. The Rav claims this Devora was a very special woman who raised Rivka and inspired her to strive to achieve spiritual heights.
The proof of Devora’s greatness was that the Torah mentions her death later but does not mention the death of Rivka or Leah. This Devora is deserving of special notoriety for her place in helping form the Jewish nation. Shabbat Shalom