פרשת ויצא

Parshat ויצא begins with Yakov Avinu leaving the holy city of Beer Sheva on his way to חרן. He is directed to the place of הר הבית where he has the very  exciting dream of the ladder and angels going up and down. He is rejuvenated as he realizes this is the future site of the Beit Hamikdash and that Hashem is with him.

Rabbi Soloveitchik points out that there are several instances of revelation during times of crisis. Crying out to Hashem from the depths of despair and distress, is a basic principle of Judaism. Hashem does not reveal Himself to a contented soul.

Yakov came close to Hashem in a dream. Moshe Rabbeinu came close at the burning bush, and Yechezkel at the River Kevar. Hashem reveals Himself through tragedy and suffering.

The message is crystal clear. When we cry out to Hashem from the depths of our hearts, He will not forsake us. As we say in תהילים, מן המעמקים קראתיך ה׳, From the depths, we call out to Hashem. No matter how difficult a situation might be, Hashem will always answer our sincere prayers. Shabbat Shalom


רחל אמנו

