Jews Must Get Along

Parshat וישב enters a new phase in ספר בראשית. Until now, the Torah was focused on the relationship between Jew and non-Jew and the various struggles of the Patriarchs. In this Parsha, we see the struggle between Jew and Jew.

The tragedy of Yosef and his brothers was in large part due to misunderstanding one another. In this case, the parties involved were righteous with good intentions. Despite this, the results led to great suffering and grief.

There is a Pasuk in the Navi that says מהרסיך ומחריביך ממך יצאו, that our destroyers come from within. Loyalty and unity among our people is critical for our success.

We have so many enemies from the outside wishing to destroy us. When we are unified, nobody can touch us.

It is very possible that we have suffered more because of the enemies from within. There are many opinions that such self hating, trouble making Jews come from the ערב רב, the mixed multitude.

Just as Yosef ultimately made peace with his brothers, there should also be a way to find peace and harmony among our people today.


Yosef’s Preparation


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