היש לכם אב

This week’s Parsha begins with Yehuda’s speech to Yosef. It starts out with Yehuda reminding Yosef that he asked the question היש לכם אב, which literally means, “do you have a father?”

Rabbi Soloveitchik tells a boyhood story from White Russia where his Chabadnik Rebbe expounded on these words.

He began by asking what sort of question is this. Doesn’t everyone have a father? What was it that Yosef was really asking his brothers? The Rebbe’s answer that left a lifelong impression was as follows. Yosef wanted to know if the brothers cherished their father’s teaching and way of life. Have they abandoned his righteous way of life for something else that may have left them feeling more “enlightened.” Yosef was asking if Yakov’s teachings were the foundation of their existence.

This question is so strong today when young people go astray thinking that the traditions and beliefs of their fathers are archaic and no longer applicable. The truth that rings out is that there is no truth but Hashem, the Torah and the teachings of our ancestors. The question היש לכם אב is a very strong and often painful question. We all need our father’s teachings.


Reunion of Yakov and Yosef


Ten Commandments and Shema