ציצית and טלית

There is a Halacha that needs clarification regarding ציצית and טלית. The Bracha for ציצית is על מצות ציצית and for a טלית, it is להתעטף בציצית,

The Halacha is that if one gets dressed and goes to pray straight away the שחרית prayers, he relies on the להתעטף בציצית to cover both ציצית and טלית with one Bracha.

However, if there is a הפסק, interruption, or עיכוב, delay, he should make two Brachot-one for ציצית and one for טלית. Rabbi Razel of the Shtieblach said that going on the internet between putting on ציצית and going to Shule, constitutes a הפסק or עיכוב, and would require two Brachot.


Women and Olam Haba


King Scholar-Saintly Scholar