פרשת בא
This week in פרשת בא, we reach the climax of the story of the exodus, as the Jewish people are finally released from bondage.
The Torah goes to the trouble of telling us about האיש משה, the man, Moshe. After bringing devastation to Egypt, he was, nevertheless, very much respected in the Land of Egypt and in the eyes of the Egyptians and the עם.
Rabbi Soloveitchik finds it impressive that Paroah himself, never tried to harm Moshe. He had a captivating personality that demanded respect.
The message to be learned from this is that we should never be afraid to stand up for what we believe in. Mordechai was ridiculed by other Jews for making waves and not quietly succumbing to Haman’s evil decrees. In the end, he, too, was praised for winning the admiration of the Persians and his own people.
When all is said and done, idealism, faith, and truth, far surpasses fear and political correctness. Shabbat Shalom