The Intruder

The Halacha about an intruder into one’s home, teaches two interesting concepts. The case mentioned in the Torah, involves a thief who breaks into a Jew’s home during the night, when the family is in the house. In such a case, one may kill the intruder in self defense, since it is possible the thief may wish to rob and possibly, kill.

From this case, we learn the principle of הבא להרגך השכם להרגו, that if one wishes to slay you, slay him first.

The Talmud in מסכת יומא says in the name of רבי ישמעאל, that we also learn from this case, the principle of פיקוח נפש, endangering one’s soul, that allows us to violate Shabbat. Rabbi Yishmael reasons that if in the case of the intruder, where there is only a doubt as to whether he intends to harm, you are allowed to kill, then certainly in a case where there is doubt as to the health of an individual, one may violate Shabbat in order to save him.


מודה במקצת


Embracing Difficulties