פרשת פרה 2

Parshat Para’s Haftarah seems to be discussing the times we are currently living in. The prophet says that there will come a time when Hashem will decide to put an end to the desecration of His name.

Hashem’s name will be sanctified when His children return to Eretz Yisrael, and rebuild the House of Israel. The cities that were desolate will once again be filled with people. The land that refused to produce, will once again flourish. It will be clear to the nations of the world, that there is a special bond between G-d and the Jewish people. They will never be able to accuse the Jews of being rejected by Hashem.

In short, the rebuilding of Israel proves that Judaism is the only true religion, and the others are false.

We are so fortunate to be living in Israel and to be able to witness first hand the fulfillment of these prophecies. Shabbat Shalom


Chillul Hashem


פרשת פרה