Temple Preparations for Pesach

It is interesting to note the kind of preparations that would be done at this time of year when the בית המקדש was in existence.

At the end of Adar, the גזבר, the Temple treasurer, was busy using up any surplus half shekels remaining from the previous year. It is likely that these funds were used in order to beautify the Temple to prepare for the masses coming for Pesach.

Temple emissaries were sent to repair the roads leading to Jerusalem. They would clearly mark off the cemeteries along the way. There were also wells and Mikvas that needed fixing after the long winter and heavy rains.

They guided the Jews from the north how to take routes either along the sea or the Jordan River. They made certain there was no טומאה, impurities along the way.

Other emissaries visited cities all over the country and called out קום ונעלה ציון, “Let us go up to Zion.”

In short, learning of these details should make us long even more for the rebuilding of the third Temple. May it be rebuilt speedily in our day!


Pesach and Modiin


Bedtime Advice