The Month of Nissan

Shavua Tov. Chodesh Tov. Don’t forget to say ברכת האילנות now that we are in the month of ניסן.

This month is an especially happy month. No eulogies or fasting is allowed all month. No תחנון the entire month. It is the month that the future גאולה, Redemption, is to take place.

The first twelve days of Nissan, we read of the נשיאים and their offerings during the dedication of the Mishkan. These heads of tribes, showed no jealousy, and each offered identical sacrifices.

The fourteenth of Nissan was really פסח, as the קרבן פסח was prepared on that day. The seven days that followed were known as חג המצות.

And in the future, the seven day following the holiday, will be days of celebration following the coming of Mashiach. For all of these reasons, ניסן is a special month indeed.


Torah Pesach Laws


Three Torahs