Pesach, Shir Hashirim, and Redemption

Shavua Tov and Moadim Lesimcha. The theme of Pesach is clearly גאולה or Redemption. This idea is expressed in many different ways. Simply put, just as our exodus from Egypt represented our first גאולה, the future גאולה will also come on Pesach.

There is a subtle plot to שיר השירים that was read this morning. Two lovers express their undying love for another. They claim that theirs is the only true love in the world. They are mocked by those around them and they are separated from one another.

During their separation, they write love letters to one another, and pray for the day that they will be reunited. In the end, when they finally are again together, all acknowledge that indeed their love was true.

The analogy is the relationship between Hashem and the Jewish people. The separation represents the exile. The love letters are Torah and prayers. When they are reunited, Mashiach comes and the world acknowledges the truth of Hashem and the Torah. Pesach truly is חג הגאולה.


Redemption then and Now


The Spiritual Request Accompanying בדיקת חמץ