שעבוד מלכיות

Shavua Tov. Another interesting point made by Joshua Berman in his book on The Temple, relates to the concept of שעבוד מלכיות.

This is a term used to describe our subservience to other kingdoms or governments. The Rambam was of the opinion that the only difference between this world and the next is שעבוד מלכיות. Some insist that we are already living in this period as Jews are free to practice their religion wherever they are.

Berman’s point is that our prayers and subservience is meant to be towards the King of Kings, Hashem. It has always been an obstacle while we were in the Exile, because we were forced to pay homage to the ruling king or leader. It was difficult to do this to both an earthly and Heavenly king.

We are to be grateful that we have Israel and we no longer have that obstacle. We can now devote ourselves to Hashem with no hindrances.

Yesterday was seven. ספירת העומר.


Yosef’s Adopted Father


Beit Hamikdash-Unity, Education, Justice