וידום אהרון

One of the truly impressive stories of the Torah, is the manner in which Aharon accepted the tragedy of the death of his two sons, Nadav and Avihu. The Torah simply tells us וידום אהרון, that Aharon was silent.

This became a future requirement for every כהן גדול. He was not allowed to become an אונן and mourn for the loss of his close relatives.

Aharon’s behavior also symbolized how a Jew is expected to accept Hashem’s decrees.We do not question Hashem’s judgement and we submit to whatever He sends our way-good or bad.

We are at that time of year when we painfully remember Jews who gave their lives defending the land of Israel, or perished simply because they were Jewish. There have been innumerable cases of וידום אהרון in the manner they accepted their fate.

Aharon set the example of how to accept tragedy. Let us hope and pray that such suffering is behind us, and joy and salvation await us.


Jealousy of Nadav and Avihu


Animal Sacrifices