פורש מן הציבור
The Gemara in מסכת תענית speaks about how each individual must see himself as part of the community. Specifically, the צבור needed to rally together to pray during a drought.
The Gemara goes on to explain that one of the questions we will be asked after we leave this world is whether we did our part in taking care of the needs of the community. This is referred to as פורש מן הציבור.
The Gemara uses this subject to remind us that the next world is truly the עולם של אמת. One cannot fool Hashem and one’s entire life is placed before him.
There are times when it is necessary that we remind ourselves of what is important and what is not. In the end, there is true justice. We are rewarded for our Mitzvot and punished for our sins. Being פורש מן הציבור is one topic that one needs to take seriously.