בהם תעבודו

The Parsha spoke of the laws concerning the עבד כנעני. These were non-Jews who chose to become Torah observant to the extent that they kept all of the Mitzvot a woman observed.

They performed Brit Mila and Mikva, but remained slaves for their entire life. The Pasuk says, בהם תעבודו, that “You are to work them”. They are your property and they are given to your children as an inheritance.

The only way they go free is if they are injured by their master by having their eye or tooth knocked out. When they go free, they are immediately considered as Jews.

The story of רבי אליעזר in the Gemara is puzzling. In order to make a Minyan, רבי אליעזר  freed his עבד כנעני. His action proved that even a rabbinical law of the group needing a Minyan, took precedence over the commander of בהם תעבודו.


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