We Struggle and They Struggle

There is a prayer we are to say after learning Torah when we leave the study hall. This was composed by נחוניא בן הקנה in the Mishna.

The prayer thanks Hashem that our lot is one where we are involved in Torah. “We struggle and they struggle. We struggle and receive reward and they struggle and do not receive reward.”

The simple explanation is that there are many who live meaningless lives, wasting time on frivolities. While those immersed in Torah, have meaning, purpose, and reward.

Rashi insists that those who struggle and receive no reward refers to shopkeepers. The explanation is that if one’s shop is open for several hours and he is hoping for Parnassa. He only sees reward for his efforts if customers purchase his wares. However, when one studies Torah for several hours and has difficulty understanding the material, still gets his reward for making the effort.

This is what is meant by, “We struggle and get reward and they struggle and do not get reward.”


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