U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem
Today’s big event of moving the embassy to Jerusalem, reminds me of Isaiah 53. This is one of the more misunderstood chapters in all of Tanach.
On the surface, it is an ideal proof for the missionaries, but it obviously is not. There are verses that say, “We esteemed him not.” “He suffered for our sins.” “He was cast out of the land of the living.”
The correct interpretation is that this is a prophecy about the future. The “we” in this case refers to the nations of the world. The “he” refers to the Jewish people.
The prophet is saying that there will come a time when the nations of the world will realize that they had misjudged the Jewish people. They were looked down upon and despised by most. But a time will come when there will be terrible guilt feelings by the nations of the world.
The nations will come to respect and admire the Jewish people. Israel will become the admiration of the world. They will truly fulfill their role as a “light unto the nations.”
It looks like today is the day that this prophecy is being fulfilled.