The Jewish people made two declarations before receiving the Torah. The נעשה ונשמע, we will do and we will hear, is pretty well known. This was a complete acceptance by עם ישראל to observe all of the Mitzvot of the Torah with complete faith.
The lesser known declaration that was also made, was simply, נעשה. In this situation, Moshe Rabbeinu explained that there was a special יעוד, or destiny, for the Jewish people.
In ספר התודעה, this יעוד is explained to mean that עם ישראל were destined to be different than any other nation. They were to carry the weight of the world. They were to teach the world morality where the desire was self indulgence and immorality.
This יעוד also meant that the Jewish people would suffer discrimination at the hands of the other nations. As Moshe explained all of this to the עם, they readily and enthusiastically answered with נעשה. They were now ready to receive the Torah.