
Parshat חוקת is known for it’s discussion of the חוק known as פרה אדומה. This is the most difficult Halacha in the Torah to understand.

Rabbi Soloveitchik wrote that חוקים are unintelligible, enigmatic, and mysterious. He equates חוקים with certain laws of physics, or the speed of light, or that water freezes at thirty two degrees. We must understand that the reason for Mitzvot are beyond our grasp. We cannot know Hashem’s motivation for Mitzvot.

The Rav goes on to say that we have no right to explain חוקים but we have a duty to interpret them. One should ask, “What does this Mitzva mean to me?” How do I understand this in terms of my service to Hashem?

The point here is that we can still look for a way to make the Mitzva look meaningful.

Only Moshe Rabbeinu understood this Mitzva. Shlomo HaMelech admitted that this alluded him. Nevertheless, we do need to find a way to beautify the Mitzvot.


Death of Aharon the Rebbe


King, Kohein Gadol, Kohein