כהן משוח מלחמה

A lesser known point mentioned in this week’s Parsha is the subject of the כהן משוח מלחמה, the Kohein anointed for battle.

This Kohein had the special role of motivating the troops before going to battle. No doubt that fighting in a war can be a frightening experience. The morale of the soldiers was essential towards achieving victory.

The key point that the כהן משוח מלחמה had to get across was that ultimately it was Hashem doing the fighting. As long as their faith in Hashem was strong, they would be victorious.

Rabbi Soloveitchik claimed that the charge that Yehuda Hamaccabee gave to his troops was so moving, that it was later recorded in the writings of Josephus, the historian.

Likewise, we must always remember that it is Hashem that is fighting our battles as well. If we put our trust in Him, we, too, will emerge victorious.


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