
In many ways, the theme of פרשת כי תבוא, is שמחה. The beginning of the Parsha discusses the joy that was felt when one brought his first fruits, the Bikkurim.

In the תוכחה, the rebuke ends with the notion that none of these curses would take place, if we find a way to be in שמחה. This comes about when we have the realization that Hashem provides us with all of our needs.

In Chassidut, there is a great deal discussed about the power of שמחה. It is empowering when one is in this state all of the time. It energizes a person and definitely adds to one’s good health. And the most important factor to remember about שמחה, is that this is such a high level emotion that it brings great contentment and peace of mind in our service of Hashem.


Kol Nidrei-Annusim


Study with חברותא