כי קרוב אליך הדבר

There is a Pasuk in this week’s Parsha that says, כי קרוב אליך הדבר, that the matter is very close to you. Moshe Rabbeinu is speaking about Teshuva and the ability to come close to Hashem. He says that it’s not an insurmountable task to achieve this.

Rabbi Soloveitchik suggested that there should be a fourteenth אני מאמין that would say the following: I believe with perfect faith that the Torah given to us is to be observed, realized, and fully carried out in every place and at all times; even in every technological situation. This אני מאמין rejects the notion that Judaism needs to be improved.

When we say the Torah is close to you, it means that Torah is not found among the arrogant. Humility is the precondition for learning. It means awareness of ignorance and the need for self-criticism.

Moshe’s message is that G-d gave us the perfect Torah applicable for all times. It is easily available to us if we humbly seek out its truth and allow it to shape us. Shabbat Shalom


Hashem is King

