עשרת ימי תשובה

The Rambam in הלכות תשובה, sums up the importance of עשרת ימי תשובה, the Ten Days of Repentance. He says the following: “Although Teshuva and crying out to Hashem, is always good for the world, during the ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, it is especially effective at this time. One who does call out to G-d during this time, is answered immediately. This is confirmed by the Prophet Isaiah when he says, דרשו ה׳בהמצאו, seek out Hashem, when He is found. This shows that this period is a most auspicious time for repentance.

The Rambam goes on to explain that this applies to an individual. But a צבור, an entire community, that does collective Teshuva, will likewise, receive an immediate positive response. The emphasis of the Pasuk regarding a צבור, is בכל קראינו אליו, when we all, collectively, call out to Him.

Our focus at this time should be both an individual and collective Teshuva on behalf of ourselves and all of כלל ישראל.


הסתר פנים


Fast of Gedalia