פרשת האזינו

This Shabbat we read פרשת האזינו. It is read as a שירה, a poetic song, describing the covenant between Hashem and the Jewish people.

Moshe Rabbeinu asks that the Heaven and Earth act as witnesses to this special relationship. Rabbi Soloveitchik describes Heaven and Earth as representative of the laws of nature.

The Rav notes that it is a paradox how the world accepts the laws of nature as G-d ordained. Physicists are forced to acknowledge that there is a plan and purpose to the world that can only be attributed to G-d.

Yet, when it comes to moral laws, the world has difficulty in accepting them. It is the same G-d that gave the laws of nature who also gave the world morality.

It was understood that the Seven Noachide Laws were meant to create functioning societies where there were boundaries as to how a human being should behave.

Moshe Rabbeinu is using האזינו to call out to the world to believe in the G-d of Nature as well as the G-d of Morality.


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