סוד הקרבנות

Rabbeinu Bachye uses an expression called סוד הקרבנות, the secret of the sacrifices. He claimed that many of the biblical characters were privy to this secret.

Perhaps it was some kind of intuitive knowledge as to how to connect with Hashem on the highest level. It was not reserved only for Jews. Even בלעם הרשע saw the need to construct seven altars and offer sacrifices on them.

Cain and Abel understood סוד הקרבנות, as did Noach. And, of course, the patriarchs realized the importance of this spiritual connection by way of the קרבנות.

This is a different approach than that of the progressive, modern intellectuals, who see sacrifices as something very primitive and irrelevant in our day and age.

It is essential that we keep an open mind and realize that there are many concepts that are beyond our comprehension. סוד הקרבנות is one such concept. Shabbat Shalom


Good and Evil


מצוות שכליות ומצוות מקובלות