Forgetting to Make a Bracha
A common question asked regarding Brachot, is what do we do if we put food in our mouth without making a Bracha.
The Gemara says that there are three possible solutions to this problem. For liquids, we are to swallow the liquids in our mouths, and make a ברכה on our next drink.
For certain foods that do not cause the food to be disgraced, (ביזוי אוכל) we spit out the food and make the Bracha. An example of this could be grapes.
The third possibility would be to move the food to the side of one’s mouth, and make the ברכה with the food in the mouth. An example would be something like hard candy.
Most Poskim hold that if there is no food available to eat, then it is too late to make a ברכה. Some say that a Bracha can still be made.