Yakov and Yosef

This week’s Parsha, וישב, begins with Yakov’s return to Eretz Yisrael with the hope that he will finally have some peace of mind. Immediately, we learn of his special relationship with Yosef, and the problems that immediately followed.

Rabbeinu Bechaye lists numerous similarities between Yakov and Yosef. Aside from looking alike, both had brothers that hated them. Both of their mothers, Rivka and Rachel, were barren and had to pray hard to conceive. Both were born circumcised. Both were shepherds and married their wives in Chutz L’Aretz. Both were escorted by angels. (It was an that helped Yosef find his brothers.) Lavan was blessed because of Yakov and Potiphar because of Yosef. And finally, both died in Egypt and both were mummified.

It is quite interesting how a thorough examination of the text and commentators, gives us such a deep insight into our biblical characters.


Unable to be Comforted


New Beginnings